So I have stayed away from Blogger for way too long...... excuses, excuses excuses. Honestly , I just wasn't inspired to blog. My stitching, as usual, has taken a backseat to other activities. Fall has brought with it 2nd grade and Pre-K. We have been busy with Swimming, Soccer, Girl Scouting and First Communion Classes (RE for my Catholic readers). No complaints here, we are active and happy!

Each September brings the same question in my household. What will everyone be for Halloween? I have always wanted my girls to go as a team, i.e. Velma and Daphne or Pebbles and Bam-Bam. They always have their own ideas and who am I to disagree, after all Halloween is for the kiddies, right? This year they have decided upon Super-Heros. My oldest is planning Spider Girl and the little one, Wonder Woman. They found their costumes in a magazine and came begging. Well, it was easy as 1,2,3. But I found myself with a craving to make some part of the costume. So I created a Spider Girl treat sack. This was done free hand, no pattern available....not perfect but what spider web is? Now if I could only come up with something for Wonder Woman!
Also I am posting my continued progress of my Cherish Sampler. It has almost been done for weeks but I just can't seem to make the time to work on it. The Spider and Web were much more fun.
Well, I'm off to get some exercise and then to the Grocery Store. I'll leave you with the website to my daughter's 2nd grade class blog. Her teacher, Mrs. O, does a fantastic job and updates it daily. This helps fill in the blanks when one asks.....What did you do today and the child answers I forgot!