What a wonderful treat to see a package sitting on my doorstep this weekend! Emily packaged up the most lovely "giveaway" with a bit of a Floridian touch! I am so looking forward to opening up the cross stitch material this evening when the kids go down! The chocolates were opened IMMEDIATELY....many, many thank yous Emily! The Rayon DMC threads are new to me, can anyone tell me if I need to do anything different when I stitch with them? They look like they might fray easily?
Anyway, DH is home from Japan. It has been a long 2 plus weeks. I'll post later this week with my 1st finish of the year and my TUSAL update!
ME!!! Wow how excited I was when I found out I won the giveaway from Emily at Emmie's Ramblings
I am not one of those people lady luck follows around so it was indeed a nice surprise! If ya'll have some time, stop on over and check out her blog, she's got another giveaway in the near future....one when she reaches 50 followers.
As for followers I would also like to welcome the newbies to my blog.
So last Spring I received an Owl Box from the family for Mothers Day. My husband found blueprints on the internet and 2 days later, voila!
I have been meaning to show you the latest tenant. Her/ His name is Owlbert McHooter. We don't know if it is a he or she. My oldest girl thinks it is a young owl, possibly a baby. My little girl thinks it is a "mommy". I know it is an Eastern Screech Owl, so no hoot's heard from this little one. I'm hoping he/she stays for a long time. We love seeing her in early mornings and evenings. She watches us and I think finds us interesting.
As for single mommy-hood, 1 week down and 1 week to go. This last week I was almost done in a by a stomach bug. These little germs seem to be so much harder on me the older I get. I think I picked it up at work because my girls didn't have the bug....thank heavens! But I have survived and my girls were understanding about me holing up in my room on Saturday. My eldest even cleaned the kitchen table after lunch, proud moment for me!
So as for my progress, it's coming along and I hope to finish it this week. Which is good beacause I'm trying to begin the Oak Havens Designs SAL....which is owls of course!
Until next post, wishing you less snow and more owl sightings!
This is a short post to tell ya'll about Emily's giveaway! She is celebrating her 100 plus posts! Congrats to her and you can also enter for a chance to win @ Emmie's Rambings
Nothing to show in regards to my stitching. I'm officially a single mom for the next two weeks. DH is on a work trip to Tokyo, Japan. The credit card company has already called this morning with strange transactions. I had to wake him up to make sure the $2,800 USD transaction was a real one.....(it was his hotel for the whole stay)!!! What did I ask for as a souvenir? Why something HELLO KITTY of course! We'll see what he comes up with! Have a Happy Sunday!
So I have been making some progress on my latest project. Sometimes I wonder if my progress is related to stitching ambition or the fact that my TUSAL jar is so empty. (Guess it really doesn't matter?)
Here is something to muse about.....Why is it that January, when every woman and some men are striving to lose weight, Girl Scout Cookies go on sale? This is the main fund raiser for the Girl Scouts, wouldn't it make more sense to do this several weeks after New Years Resolutions? Well, having a GS Brownie I know that cookies go on sale next week. We pick up our pre-orders tomorrow....DARN those Thin Mints!!!! Even in the freezer I know they are there, calling my name!
Miss Emily over at Emily's Ramblings was sew sweet today and nominated me to continue on with the Stylish Blogger Award. So in continuing with the tradition, I need to tell you all 5 things about myself. I'm not so sure they are secret but I am pretty new to the blogger world so here goes.
1) I lie and tell people I'm 5 foot....I'm really 4 ft 11 inches. 2) My downfall is peanut butter fudge. 3) I hate to talk on the phone! Just email or text me please! 4) I am scared of mice and rats! I once found a water logged rat in my toilet!! 5) I would wear my PJ's all day long if it was possible!
Now I am supposed to nominate a few people to continue this however, I don't know who has done this or not? So forgive me if I tag you and you have already played!
What a way to start the New Year, 2 posts back to back! 1st off let me say that I took the day off to take my car to the shop. It had major engine work less than a year ago and now I'm smelling oil again! I love my little Subaru but it will be the last one I buy!!! Let me also say that I am a city dweller and put only 10, 000 miles a year on it! So keep your fingers crossed that the garage backs the work they did less than a year ago!
Now for my jar, maybe by next month it will look like a stitcher owns this blog!
And just to show my current project, Thanksgiving Line Up! To get in the mood, I had pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast! Maybe it will help me get off the computer and get some stitching done! Until next time.....
Well obviously not on my blog recently! As most all, Fall and the Holidays have consumed my free time. I have done some minimal stitching, unneeded stashing, much needed cleaning out of the thread organizer and so on. I did stitch a Christmas Card for my eldest daughter's teacher. Her family is of Swedish Heritage so the card was appropriate.
I also am posting my last picture of the 2010 TUSAL. Looks like the sweet lady who originally came up with the project no longer blogs on Blogger but what the heck! I think I'll continue my own 2011 TUSAL just for grins!
So as they say, out with the old and in with the new. It will be hard to throw such orts away but there are always more. As for projects I have begun, a Thanksgiving themed cross stitch. I decided Thanksgiving decor is lacking in my home!
Cheers to all my readers and thanks for stopping by after such a long time away!
Child of the 80s, l love waking up and having my morning coffee in peace. In lthe car it's Sirius XMU and all the latest indie rock and in my house I'm streaming Austin's KUTX. You can usually find me carting my girls to soccer but these days I'm walking to the park to kick and juggle. I love a glass of white wine with a good book. It's truly the life of an introvert at home because at work I'm forced to be an extrovert RN taking care of kids and adults.....these days doubling my masks.